Kudos to our colleagues in New Zealand calling for regulations on proper laser use and sun beds. This reminds us how important it is to have board-certified dermatologists treating your skin and to avoid tanning beds. Our board-certified dermatologists are qualified to fit your skin care needs!
Acne During Pregnancy
Unfortunately the ‘pregnancy glow’ doesn’t always bless all pregnant women with clear skin. In ‘SheKnows.com‘ Dr. Rebecca Baxt discusses how to safely treat your breakouts while expecting. https://www.sheknows.com/
Toothpaste for acne breakouts?
We have all heard of using toothpaste as a solution for pimples but does it really work? Dr. Rebecca Baxt breaks down the facts about this home remedy myth in Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/23/toothpaste-pimples-acne-dry-out_n_1994320.html
VaserShape featured on ‘Dr. Oz Show’
VaserShape, the non-surgical revolutionary way to smooth and shape your body is being talked about all over, including the Dr. Oz Show! We are proud to have Dr. Sherwood Baxt, M.D. be one of the few Board Certified Plastic Surgeons to offer this innovative procedure to our patients now!
Protect yourself from cancer with clothing!
At Baxt Cosmedical we agree that clothing is a great protector so don’t forget your cover up and hat when you’re on the beach! If you haven’t had a skin cancer screening yet this year call and make your appointment at one of our convenient locations in New Jersey or New York. http://www.skincancer.org/prevention/sun-protection/clothing
Video of Dr. Sherwood Baxt demonstrating VaserShape!
In this YouTube clip Dr. Sherwood Baxt demonstrates VaserShape- a revolutionary non-surgical treatment to smooth and shape your body! It combines ultrasound and massage to reduce problem areas without any downtime!
Chinese take sun protection to the next level
The Chinese have figured out the ultimate sun protection according to the New York Times. The ski mask hasn’t caught on as beach fashion in the USA, but it works! http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/04/world/asia/in-china-sun-protection-can-include-a-mask.html?_r=1
VASERShape – non-surgical treatment to smooth and shape your body
What is new @ BAXT CosMedical? VaserShape – non-surgical treatment to smooth and shape your body. * A non-invasive treatment that combines ultrasound and massage * re-shapes the body with no pain and no downtime * Generally requires 3-5 treatments, although some people see a difference after one session. * Safe… Read More
Protection from Summer Sun
The summer sun is strong so make sure you are using at least a 30spf broad spectrum sunblock and reapply every 1-2 hours. Watch out (especially with the sprays on windy days) for missed spots…we are seeing some bad sunburns that are preventable with proper sunscreen use!
Fox’s ‘Good Day New York’ asks Dr. Rebecca Baxt for her expert advice!
Dr. Rebecca Baxt recently appeared on Fox’s ‘Good Day New York’ as a medical expert discussing the serious dangers of tanning and sun harmful rays as well as the importance of proper sunblock use. In honor of this great clip we are offering our patients 10% off of sunscreen when you mention this email! Summer… Read More